All our Charcuterie Templates include everything you will need to elevate your charcuterie boards.
Shipping is currently free on all Charcuterie Templates. Orders are typically processed Monday through Friday. Each order is inspected for quality before being shipped. Please allow up to two (2) business days for your order to be processed. Please keep in mind that we do not ship on weekends.
United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia … and the rest of the world … as long as your country is able to receive incoming international packages.
Estimated Shipping times:
7 days
Between 20-30 days average
Between 15-30 days average
Between 20-30 days average
Between 20-30 days average
Upon placing an order, you will receive a tracking number you can use to monitor your package's status.
We are here to assist you with any issue you might have. Our website, has a wealth of information and resources to assist you on your charcuterie journey, whether making boards for family or friends or making charcuterie your business. If you need to contact us, reach out to We are based in the beautiful city of Reno Nevada, USA and are here to assist you.
Through our shipping partner, Shippo, templates are shipped BEST WAY by one of 40+ contracted transportation companies. Templates that are shipped within the USA should typically arrive within 5 business days. Templates that ship Internationally should be delivered according to the following schedule:
We accept American Express, Visa, Apple Pay, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Meta, Google Pay, Shop, Vemmo, PayPal. Basically, we accept it all.
You will receive an email confirmation once your product ships. You can track your order by accessing the tracking page link from within your email confirmation. The tracking page will provide more detailed tracking information than the email confirmation. Regardless, if you ever have any questions whatsoever about your shipment, do not hesitate to contact We are here to help make your charcuterie journey easier.
In addition to the United States, we ship to Canada, United Kingdom, Australia … and the rest of the world … as long as your country is able to receive incoming international packages.
Orders are prepared for shipping within 24 hours of receipt. If youwish to cancel your order during that time, do not hesitate to contact us at We will do our best to accommodate you.
OMG! I am new to making Boards. Followed the template and it really was easy as 1-2-3. My family was amazed at my board.
Made the round board for a girl's night. Usually put out cheese and crackers. Super easy. Bought the products on the ingredient sheet. Was able to replace nuts with pretzels due to a nut allergy. Board was gorgeous. My girlfriend asked me to make her one for a retirement party. What fun!
Been in the charcuterie business for 3 years. I love, love, love the grazing template. I had a 10 foot table to do. I placed 2 of the focal point templates on the tables. It allowed me to decoratively incorporate veggies. Included our signature sauce. It was a hit! I received a call asking what other designs I could do. PLEASE bring more designs out ASAP.
These Templates made my life SO easy. Made a Charcuterie Board that looks like it was store bought in 25 minutes. How cool is that?